Message from the top executive

To contribute to our society,
as a producer and seller of valuable domestic resources that will shape our future

Representative Director and President
Akio Midorikawa

Representative Director and President Akio Midorikawa

Based on our group’s management philosophy, “By developing, producing, and selling energy and iodine, we contribute to the realization of comfortable, affluent lives and a sustainable society,” we strive daily to respond to social demands as a pioneer in domestic natural gas and one of the world’s leading iodine suppliers. As part of our promotion of the comprehensive energy business, we have also entered the electricity retail business, and with the aim of realizing a decarbonized (carbon-neutral) society, we are actively engaged in businesses related to renewable energy, including geothermal businesses.

As a clean energy source in the transitional period toward a decarbonized society, the importance of natural gas is increasing, and our group, which is Japan’s oldest natural gas company, will continue to contribute to society by leveraging the strengths of domestic natural gas, which can be provided stably for a long term, even as the unstable energy situation continues globally.

Another pillar of our group’s business is the manufacturing and sale of iodine. Iodine is one of very few domestic resources the resource-poor Japan can export and is a scarce resource worldwide, which is used in numerous fields from medicine to the high-tech. Our corporate group, which aims to be the world’s major iodine trader, strives for stable manufacturing and sale both domestically and internationally, and supports the projects in the countries where the supply of iodine is not sufficient as iodine is indispensable for the growth of the human body

So, natural gas is an energy source that plays an important role in the energy transition period, and iodine is an essential element that is indispensable for the growth of the human body. Consequently, our business plays an important role in supporting the future of the earth and mankind. We are committed to sustainability in order to fulfill these roles properly.

We also identify important social issues (material issues) for us and formulate medium-term management plans based on our management philosophy.
The most recent plan covers the three years from 2025 and 2027 and outlines how we will respond to the issues we are facing.

With the understanding and cooperation from all our stakeholders, we will strive to develop our business soundly and continually in order to fulfill our public missions as a lifeline company, and aim to realize a comfortable, affluent lives and a sustainable society.

Akio Midorikawa
Representative Director and President
K&O Energy Group Inc